
CSPOA Resolution

I am proud to have signed the CSPOA Resolution!

C.S.P.O.A.: Protecting Freedom - To Serve the People and Protect Their Rights

"To seek justice, protect civil liberties, and uphold the constitution." ...

I am steadfast believer in the Constitution and have sworn to uphold it (both in the military and my private life). I was excited that the CSPOA drafted the resolution ( My signed copy below) We must hold firm on the 10th amendment and not allow federal overreach into our states and counties!

For more information on the CSPOA resolution please visit their website and follow their Facebook page.

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Web: http://cspoa.org/cspoa-jan-2014-resolution/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/Constitutional-Sheriffs-and-Peace-Officers-Association-350135738395799/?ref=stream

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